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    April 11, 2022


    Aesthetically, there really is no substitute for the natural beauty of Western Red Cedar. Imbued with decidedly crisp, yet superbly rich, tonal properties, cedar can create sublime outdoor sanctuaries, embolden traditional home decor, provoke cutting-edge architecture and inspire innovative interiors. Imagine – all that dynamism packed into one beautiful material.
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  • How Much Does A Fence Cost?
    April 11, 2022

    How Much Does A Fence Cost?

    You’re thinking about building a fence in the near future. Of course, your first question will be, ‘how much does it cost to build a fence?’ Each fencing project will vary, depending on your style choice, the material you want, and size. This article will go over the information you need to give you an idea of how much your project may cost. We will first discuss the factors that determine the price of your project, and the cost of our most popular fences so you can make an informed and accurate decision.
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